Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is a genetic counsellor?And how do you become one?

i mean what trade paths do you enjoy to follow going into University?
A genetic counselor is a medical professional who specializes in the inheritance of genetic traits and disorders. She (a majority are female) provides tuition and counselling services to patients and their families near regards to pattern of genetic inheritance as well as specific information just about particular genetic conditions.
The genetic counselor most commonly works next to doctors as a part of the overall supervision team for a long-suffering. The position is most commonly filled by those beside a Masters degree surrounded by genetic counselling.
There are several major reputable Masters programs surrounded by Genetic Counselling at major university. A background contained by life scienes and/or psychology is handy and an undergradute degree surrounded by a related field would be desirable.
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Related Questions and Answers

What is a fuzzy homunculus?

i know what a homunculus is btw..... it is a part of the intellectual cortex associated with a pernickety function, eg sensory or motor or visual.
what i can't comprehend is what they mean by the 'fuzzy' occupancy.
thanks to everyone who answers!
emm fuzzy nouns kinda fuzzy lol donno never heard of it sty 4 the pointless answer but not a soul answer so i thouth id offer it a go
The cebral cortex is after adjectives a human computer. Likely 'fuzzy' refers to the logic of the computer rather than its disected emblem.
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What is a enema and what does it do??

The introduction of fluid into the rectum. Warm saline or oil may be used for the purpose of clearing the faeces when at hand is serious constipation. Also popular, from time to time, among those who believe that washing out the bowel is a fighting fit thing to do, even surrounded by the absence of constipation. By derivation from the Greek, the word manner ‘sending in’, rather than wash out, so is appropriately applied also to the administration of drugs by this route, and to the diagnostic use of barium sulphate to visualize the colon and rectum by X-ray.
Cleansing enemas accomplishment by stimulation of bowel activity through irritation of the lower bowel, and by distention near the volume of fluid instilled. When the enema is administered, the individual is usually lying on the left side, which places the sigmoid colon (lower portion of bowel) below the rectum and facilitate infusion of fluid. The length of time it takes to administer an enema depends on the amount of fluid to be infused.-
anemia is when you own a low Red blood cell count and/or hemoglobin and hematocrit. For most people it is cause by iron deficiency. It can fashion you feel tired, sickly, and if severe enough, respiratory problems. In those cases where on earth it is severe, anemics may need a blood transfusion.
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Related Questions and Answers

What is a dutiful science rational project?

11th grade.
want something explicitly a little stimulating but not tooo confusing. i am in an honors chemistry class but we are allowed to do any subject and i want something to do next to medicine/anatomy/etc. any ideas?? thankfulness
This goes beyond the singing wine eyeglasses thing. this is hardcore tonal manipulation! Meaning: in that is a theory that strong, low, tones at a solid decibel can disrupt the magnetic grazing land around an object and make happen it to levitate.
A good project would be to research and prove or disprove its plausability.
Good luck!
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  • What is a dU-antibody?

    What is a dU-antibody, and what does it affect?
    the du antibody is part of the Rh antibody complex surrounded by blood typing. a patient may be Rh refusal, but du positive. this will affect the Type of blood products needed to treat the patient.
    you gone off the h. it should read
    dUh any body.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a drug call Zithran?

    If it's azithromycin you're referring to (zithromax) it's 500 mg on the first day and 250 mg per morning after that for a total of 5 days
    1 week ago
    I hope this helps
    It is not nominated at the drugs@fda website, check the spelling.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a doctor who works next to drug addict call?

    i've been looking into going into college to be a doctor who works surrounded by rehab centers. What are they called? What should I central in college for? How much do they seize paid? Could someone afford me more information on this topic please?
    A GP, psychiatrist, or anesthesiologist who specializes in torment medicine or addiction pills cares for these types of clients. You can check out for mor info.
    Its a part of a set of Internal Medicine..but also can be Psychiatry.
    Hope this helps
    A glutton for disappointment
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a doctor that specializes contained by the hand call?

    What is a doctor that specializes in the hand / arms called?
    An orthopedist.
    Hand surgeons commonly come from two groups: orthopedics and plastics.
    medicine and form guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a daytime surrounded by a natural life similar to for a physician?

    Depends on the type of physician. A surgeon will have a exceedingly different day than a family unit practitioner, which is still different from an ER doc or a cardiologist. Generally, doctors will see patients either within their office or at the hospital. They will work near the patient to develop a plan to treat doesn`t matter what diseases they specialize in (or your common health, if he's a standard doc). They also do spend a lot of time doing paperwork and arguing next to insurance companies on the phone. Most doctors work 60 hours or so per week (unless you're a resident, where you'll work 80-90 hours/week). Many doctors may pop in their patients who are currently in the hospital any before or after they budge to clinic for the day.
    i can answer this because my dad is 1. he make tons of money but it took him 12 years of collage. he is ether working ot at home working charts to organize the patients background. my dad gets seriously of phone calls he goess around and purloin data suscribe medeince and other stuff
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a control treatment?

    What is a control treatment for this:
    Subjects smoke a cigarette. The investigator determines pulse rates and blood pressure.
    There can be a control group of patients who don't smoke. Or the control group also can be smokers who don't receive a medication where on earth as the experimental group receives medication to shrink the effects of smoking on pulse and blood pressure.
    Control group is to help determine that the experimental treatment is effecive or not.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a condition where on earth fatty deposits associated near atherosclerosis from inside the coronary arteries?

    CAD (Coronory artery disease) / ASHD(Arteriosclerotic heart disease) / Atherosclerotic heart disease/ Coronory arteriosclerosis.
    These conditions occurs when the inner walls of the arteries become more authoritarian due to a buildup of plaque, which consists of fats, cholesterol cellular excess products, calcium and other substances. Plaques can grow large satisfactory to significantly reduce the blood's flow through an artery. But most of the smash up occurs when they become fragile and rupture. Plaques that rupture motivation blood clots to form. If this blood clot blocks a blood vessel that feeds the heart, it cause a heart attack. If it blocks a blood vessel that feeds the brain, it cause a stroke
    coronary artery disease
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a common oxygen rate for a personality?

    Actually the normal oxygen saturation of a soul differs greatly according to altitude. At sea stratum the norms are 95 to 100%. The highly developed you go contained by elevation the lower the normal reading become. At 6500 ft practically nobody is able to realize 100% without supplemental oxygen.
    tablets and health

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    What is a certified phlebotomist's annual take-home pay?

    That depends on where you live. The average is something like 27-30k per year.
    it depends where you live. for comparison purposes, as an admission rep at a local hozz, i made 10.97 and hour, and the phlebotomists were 2 settle up grades below me. its a wonderful skill to have, but surrounded by my experience, they aren't paid what they're worth.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a Cardiologist? What does it do?

    A Cardiologist is a heart specialist. They are doctors who only concordat with heart related problems.
    This includes anything physically wrong beside the heart, blood pressure, heart rhythm, and other disorders associated with heart.
    Heart Doctor.....take care of or fixes you heart.
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  • What is a Cardiolite Stress Test?

    I have to shift have this done tomorow. Has anyone ever have this done? What do i have to expect?
    Thank you.
    Cardiolite is something that they donate you that is radioactive and is taken up by the cell of the heart wall (the myocardium) so that they can then embezzle images of the heart during exercise to assess the blood flow to the heart.
    You will be given an injection of the Cartiolite (it's a preparation of thallium-201) and asked to meander on a treadmill until you have reach 85% of your maximum predicted heart rate, which depends on your age, gender and physical condition.
    There are a few different protocols depending on what they are looking for, but the most adjectives one is for you to exercise, get your heart rate up, hold the injection, and then they will do one set of similes in the subsequent 5 or 10 minutes. After they're finished, you stop, and then they do another set two or three hours after that. But you would need to converse to your doctor or your test center more or less the details; as I said, there are other protocols they might be using.
    Good luck! I hope everything go well.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a carcinoma of the breast?

    include mammography and surgical incisions of the breast
    Carcinoma means "cancer".
    A carcinoma of the breast manner a tumor or cancerous growth was detected (usually by self-exam or mammogram).
    Not sure what you be determined by "include mammography and surgical incisions of the breast" as part of your press.
    breast cancer
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a buffer and what is the use of it surrounded by the human body?

    a buffer is a substance that is used to keep hold of pH levels at a disired point. bicarbonate is a ggod buffer within the human body and it is used to stabalize the pH of blood.
    a buffer is a weak sharp or base that prevents sharp, sudden change in pH.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a Blood Pressure Machine call?

    thank you so much to anyone who answers this. :)
    The kind next to the gauge is call an aneroid sphygmomanometer:
    The kind beside the column of mercury is called a mercurial sphygmomanometer:
    What you're more possible to see these days is an oscillometric blood pressure gadget, commonly called NIBP (non-invasive blood pressure):
    We can also method blood pressure with an IV catheter surrounded by an artery (invasive blood pressure monitoring)
    And that is connected to a pressure transducer (the red one within this photo):
    and gives us a tracing that looks approaching this:
    but on a monitor, not paper.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a bionic upper limb?

    i wanna know the difference between, say, a bionic arm and a virtual (prosthetic) arm. i understand near a relatively simple prosthesis you cannot do much except move your arm around, while a bionic arm allows you more freedom of movement. however, i wanna know how they make this arm so much approaching a real one...gratefulness guys
    thtsz interesting
    technology is amazing
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    What is a biological amine?

    examples of biological amines, their function in our body and their definition
    A biologic amine is any compound found with ease in that contains an amine group; to be exact an NH2 group.
    Several examples are most of the chemical neurotransmitters in the brain, e.g. dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA (an amino sour, but an amine nonetheless), etc. I would guess that amines probably make up the largest class of adjectives biologically active compounds. They are found everywhere. Sorry for such a "global" answer, but they truly are international compounds.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a bilateral renal ultrasound?

    I need one... And will this examination detect pregnancy by any chance? TIA
    For a renal ultrasound, we symbol and document both kidneys and your urinary bladder. We measure the kidneys, the cortical concreteness, and document any masses, hydronephrosis or stones. We weigh up the bladder with urine within it, document that the ureteral jets are expand, and then judge the bladder after you urinate.
    If you have a pregnancy of any noticable size (probably around 6 weeks), we could probably see the gestational sac inside the uterus, when we are documenting your bladder. The sonographer won't be neccessarily looking for a pregnancy, but when the gestational sac reaches a confident size, a sonographer won't miss it. It appears as a black, rounded sac in the middle of the uterus.
    You can read something like abdominal ultrasound here:
    Its a ultrasound of both kidneys. Might not detect pregnancy
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a biddable specialty?

    I really want to be a doctor, but the only entity turning me away is the amount of hours they work. What are the some specialties that don't require doctors to be on call and work long hours as commonly as the other specialties?
    You work typically on salary from a hospital, beside a defined schedule.
    It's close to a regular job, but next to a very elevated well into the six-figures income.
    I work for an allergist and we adjectives go home at 5:00 everyday. Also, I chew over a dermatology would have to be that mode too.
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only proposal or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a average length of time to dawdle up to that time getting the results of a nuclear stress try-out?

    I was told that a doctor could read the results of a nuclear stress testing and determine the findings as soon as the test is completed. The nurse told me it would pilfer at least a week to bring the results. Who is correct?
    The doctor will have the results as soon as he/she read the nuclear images. It afterwards has to be dictated and transcribed, and to be exact likely where on earth the delay happen.
    Whoever administered the test later has to transport the results to your cardiologist and/or family doctor, who afterwards has to review it and put it into your chart.
    It's adjectives administrative delay.
    The well brought-up news is, if there's anything hideously worrying, they usually call and hold you come in for more test or treatment.
    No news is probably biddable news. If you're worried, appointment whomever ordered the test, and ask if the results enjoy been received.
    A physician may know how to provide the patient beside a preliminary report at the end of the experiment, and a more complete report within a year. Based on the physician’s evaluation of how efficiently the heart is competent to regulate blood flow at rest and during physical stress, a diagnosis can be made. The physician will then discuss his or her treatment plan for the lenient, which may include additional procedures or test (e.g., cardiac catheterization).
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  • What is a appropriate tablets for sore throat and coughs I can buy over the counter?

    delsym cough syrup works well for me. if you are coughing, avoid dairy products, especially milk. drink LOTS of hose down. the cough and sore throat are probably due to post-nasal drip. a decongestant should help also. check beside your pharmacist before mixing over the counter drugs, and to see if any medical conditions you may own could have an adverse impulse due to the meds.
    cough drops and a throat night use Vick's on your chest,and drink heat milk with
    Honey contained by it.all items are OTC.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a angelic means of access to picture DNA within my skipper. Like, what else could DNA stand for?

    try thinking of it like a spiral staircase. the nitrogen basis are the steps.
    DNA is like a twisted stepladder with four "colors" (bases - CGAT).
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is a accurate invention or procedure or disease that revolutionized medication?

    OTHER THAN: sterilizaiton, anethesia, lobotomy
    Laser surgery. There is less blood loss and smaller scare. Many can be done in bureau procedures or on an outpatient basis.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is -8divided by1/4?

    when dividing a whole number by fraction you hold to take the reciprocal of the fraction which is in recent times the fraction flipped then. next you change the sign from division to multiplication so
    hope this help
    -32. basically...u multiply the demoninator and the -8. so yea.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is 520lb contained by stones?

    I need to know this, gratitude.
    The current members of the Stones are Mick Jagger,
    Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, and Ron Wood. I estimate their combined counterbalance at approx 570lb so 520lb would be approx 0.91 Stones.
    37.1428 stones
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    What is 1 possible benefit of Stem cell research?

    Tissue of any kind could be grown for transplants that would hold almost no chance of one rejected by the host.
    Stem Cell research is one of the most promising avenues of investigation that could lead to cures for a multitude of diseases and conditions.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is ?

    Interventional Cardiology and Radiology ? What do they do ?
    An interventional cardiologist often uses some surgical methods surrounded by treating patients, i.e. threading a catheter through the bloodvessels to take effort of something in the heart. AN interventional radiologist uses radiologic modalities i.e. flouroscopy, C.T. scan, ultrasound to draw from a picture of the body in direct to get a example for biopsy or to treat by taking out excessive fluids or placing coils in aneurysyms
    Interventional Cardiology is a catheter base treatment of structural heart disease- Wikipedia
    Wikipedia has a total article on it which is very compassionate
    medicine and robustness guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only warning or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What is .25mL?

    Ihave to give my little one this drop medicine and the doc said to donate her .25 mL but the dropper reads these option:
    1 mL
    3/4 mL
    1/2 mL
    1/4 mL
    Which one is considered .25mL?
    1/4 ml
    1/2= .5
    3/4= .75
    0.25mL is equal to one-quarter of a milliliter, or 1/4mL.
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    What is "plain radiology"?

    i searched almost every medical dictionary and couldn't find a definition.
    what does this anticipate "plain radiology"
    Follow this link and it will show you a "plain tummy film".
    KUB is the term that we use for a belly film that shows the kidneys, ureter and bladder, a common abdomen show done for many reason from looking for kidney stones, bowel obstructions to foreign bodies( surgical, swallowed or other wise).
    Plain radiology is usually a occupancy for xray. Since there are other types of radiology such as CT scan.
    Plain radiology is a plain film. Basically an hoary fashion x-ray as dead set against a Cat Scan or MRI.
    KUB = Kidneys, ureter and bladder
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is "Imprint culture'' contained by medical science?

    It is used to confirm Median rhomboid glossitis histologically.
    MRG is an inflammation of the back center of the tongue. Most of the time, it is cause by a yeast (candidiasis) infection. The imprint culture will grow the yeast if it is present. Biopsy of the back of the tongue can be a problem so it best to rule out yeast
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is " Doppler Study of both renal vasculature ". If the check is positive, after what is the treatment.

    How complicated is the test. Suppose the theory test is positive, then do I hold to undergo any operation ?
    The doppler study of renal arteries is not an invasive procedure,is of late done by ultrasound equipment with doppler functions contained by it and specific frequency transducers.It is not painful at adjectives but takes relatively a long for a complete scan of both sided renal vasculature.If there is evidence suggesting renal artery stenosis later treatment with renal artery angioplasty may be indicated.Intra_arterial will after be performed as the first step within the therapeutic procedure.
    Yeah, what he said..
    A righteous tech can do the test surrounded by around 30 min..
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    What is usual TSH?

    Normal values are from 0.4 to 4.0 mIU/L for those with no symptoms of extraordinary thyroid function. However, those without signs or symptoms of an underactive thyroid who own a TSH value over 2.0 mIU/L but commonplace T4 levels may develop hypothyroidism sometime contained by the future. This is call subclinical hypothyroidism (mildly underactive thyroid) or early-stage hypothyroidism. Anyone with a TSH advantage above this level should be followed extraordinarily closely by a doctor.
    Greater-than-normal levels may indicate:
    Congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism)
    Exposure to mice (lab workers or veterinarians)
    Primary hypothyroidism
    Thyroid hormone resistance
    TSH-dependent hyperthyroidism
    Lower-than-normal level may be due to:
    TSH deficiency
    Use of unshakable medications including dopamine agonists, glucocorticoids, somatostatin analogues, and bexarotene.
    The conventional TSH range vary in every laboratory and surprisingly the "ordinary range" is CONSTANTLY changing.
    The most laboratories contained by the U.S. and many laboratories uses the REFERENCE RANGE 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L as the norm. Levels below 0.5 indicate hyperthyroidism while level above 5.0 indicate hypothyroidism.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is TSH3 surrounded by thyroid hormone lab exam?

    Doctor has proclaim testing on TSH AND TSH3
    A TSH is the thyroid stimulating hormone. It's not if truth be told a thyroid hormone, but the pituitary response. It's the most common thyroid oral exam, but often not a accurate as the free t4 and free t3 try-out. TSH changes throughout the light of day, being superior while sleeping and lowest around 2PM. You always want to assessment it near its large point, so the test should be done first item in the morning. A TSH over 2.0 shows the thyroid gland is slowing down.
    AS far as T3. there's the total T3 and the free t3. The free t3 is better than the total because it tell how much of the T3 is free (available) for use by the body.
    Are you sure its not T3 instead of TSH3?
    TSH is thyroid-stumulating hormone - it acts on the thyroid gland to formulate the thyroid gland release T3 and T4, which are both thyroid hormones which control metabolism - not having satisfactory of these would make you hypothyroid, and have too many would sort you hyperthroid.
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    What is fruit of borojo?

    The Borojo fruit is highly agile, with a large protein content. Borojo has essential amino acids for the body and its phosphorous content is surprising.
    The ripe Borojo fruit have exceptional properties for the food and health bazaar. It has demonstrated to be outstandingly good for:
    Bronchial afflictions
    providing protein contained by vegetarian diets
    sugar equilibrium within the blood
    increasing sexual potency
    Borojo is used for consumption under the following forms: Juice, jelly, sauce, and as a mixer of alcoholic beverages.
    Also agreed as borojoa patinoi, it is a tropical fruit tree from the northwest of Colombia where in that is high humidity. The fruit is generous, round & brown in color. The pulp is 88% of the fruit's shipment and it contains 90 to 640 seeds.
    It is used contained by local communities to treat hypertension, bronchial diseases, malnutrition and can accomplishment as an aphrodisiac.
    It is high surrounded by phosphorous, protein, ascorbic acid, calcium & iron. It's used surrounded by the preparation of jams, wines, desserts and traditional pills.
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    What is dynamic properties of interamedullary fastener?

    The intramedullary nail for treating a fracture of a long bone according to the present invention have the shape of a helically twisted blade with a flattened cross unit extending partially or totally along the longitudinal axis of the fastener. The nail is provided near a hole at its distal end for acceptance a bone fixation means to be inserted transversely through the hole and at lowest one cortex of the long bone. The nail is made long and emaciated with the smallest dimension of the cross clause being much smaller than the largest dimension, so that it is flexible along the longitudinal axis of the fastener.
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    What is amoxicillin potassium clavu tab used for?

    its a broad-spectrum antibiotic for serious infections. the clavulonic acid supposedly help the amoxicillin kill susceptible germs specially on internal organs. available generics would be co-amoxiclav, available as augmentin
    It's an antibiotic.
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    What is a code BLUE within a hospital ?

    Hospital use colors for what purpose
    all hospitals use like peas in a pod system.A
    I should hope it isn't panic time. Also the forgiving doesn't necessarily have to be contained by cardiac arrest, I've seen codes call for bradycardia (slow heartbeat), respiratory distress, severe trauma, and cardiac arrest.
    Basically a code blue is defined as cardiac or pulmonary arrest, but you don't necessarily wait until that happen to call one.
    And within case you be interested:
    Code Red- Fire
    Code Pink- baby abduction
    Code Gray- Severe Weather Watch
    Code Black- Severe Weather Warning
    Code Brown- bomb threat
    Code Green- elderly forgiving elopement (wandering dementia patient)
    a patient have stopped breathing and heart not beating. a code blue is to telephone call the team surrounded by to resusatate the patient near cpr
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What is 400 mcg converted to within milligrams?

    If mcg is microgram then:
    400 mcg = 0.4 milligrams
    1 milligram is equal to 1000 micrograms
    400 micrograms is 0.4 milligrams.
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  • What irrefutable skills do Forensic sciencist use ?

    need minister to with corse work
    Broadly speaking, s/he would stipulation investigative skills, problem solving abilities, open-mindedness, solid knowledge contained by their field of expertise (eg requires great ease in drugs if within the field of forensic toxicology), as capably as legal awareness, research skills, skills in quantifiable procedures and techniques, including use of different materials and equipment, creativity and imagination to be capable of get into the minds of criminals....
    I hope that give you some scope for your essay.
    you want someone to explain the ins and outs of forensics science beside one question!! If it be that easy wouldnt we adjectives be anthropoligist or something similar.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What involve to be done surrounded by prescription sience to eradicate hepatitis C?

    Is it short of researchers?
    Much of the research grant money is man pushed toward HIV erradication. There are companies working on it though. In fact at hand are several new medicine in Stage 1 and 2 conducting tests.
    The recent drug recalls hold slowed the testing process. The drugs can't turn to market minus passing Stage 3 human trialling.
    The RNAi technology has some key promise, not only contained by solving HCV, but others like HIV, HPV, etc...
    Avoid alcohol, excessive tylenol or any other drugs which are toxic to the liver, stamp out anything which presents a challenge to the liver, resembling transfats (0 g/serving does not mean no transfats, since they set down the serving size to be small and round out numbers below 0.5 gram as zero).
    Also, get a hepatitis A vaccine shot.
    Clean living. Those estimates doctors bestow on how long you have to live are outstandingly inaccurate since alot depends on what is going on beside the individual.
    See the Merck Manual (look at both accute and chronic ):
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What interacts next to Prozac?

    I got the flu shot not long and I have have headaches, fatigue and immediately I am depressed. I am currently on Prozac...could me feeling blue be division of the side effect from the flu shot?
    some and not all side effects of prozac are:
    headache, concern, insomnia, drowsiness, anxiety, tremor, dizziness, fatigue, poor concentration. . .
    flu shot is safe
    Prozac itself, close to any antidepressant, can cause depression--the extraordinarily reason it is most commonly prescribed.
    The flu shots are "dormant virus" which process it can activate when the capsid enter your bloodstream.
    If the flu shot activated an auto-immune disorder, you can develop lifelong endocrine discrepancy which would exacerbate your depression.
    Contact your doctor.
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