Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What instruments used to detect monosodium glutamate(MSG) contained by food?

how to analysis the MSG in food?
the instruments us
I would read out the best and easiest Instrument is the JEOL DART Mass Spectrometer. It can search for a specific Organic Functional Group on intact sample. Set it for the major fragment of glutamate, hoping to bypass adjectives the other ions from food elements.
HPLC can easily be used to detect glutamate.
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What information should be on a urine specimen container and lab request form?

Can anyone tell me what information should be on a urine specimen container? and a lab request form for urine specimen?
I call for to know for a Urine Culture Lab for my Microbiology class. Thank you.
On the container should be the patients name and date of birth. On the lab slip should be the patients cross, date of birth, referring physician, test to be done, diagnosis, and the physicians signature.
specimen labelling per our medical laboratory protocol:
long-suffering name
inventive identifying number (i.e. date of birth, medical dictation #, etc.)
requisition information per our medical laboratory protocol:
name of physician order test
date of collection
type of specimen (clean ensnare, catheter, bladder tap)
patient dub
unique identify number
date of birth
(also ideally: list of antibiotics forgiving has not long taken, as this may affect culture outcome, and pt. diagnosis)
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  • What information is given within the appendix of a textbook?

    Supplementary material at the bring to a close of a book, article, document, or other text, usually of an explanatory, statistical, or bibliographic temperament.
    medicine and strength guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What infections/diseases/conditions/ect surrounded by argument, "could" be cure by genetic engineering?

    By "could" I mean "within theory". I'm asking what someday may it be possible to cure with genetic engineering. Note: I don't stipulation to know a million...just some adjectives big ones. I also would prefer common baptize.
    Huntington's chorea
    Cystic fibrosis
    Color blindness
    Sickle-cell disease
    Tay-Sachs disease
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    Here's a comprehensive list:
    Theoretically any disease that have a genetic or partially genetic rationale. Those diseases are caused by single genes and effect a specific tissue are the most glibly treatable.
    Specific examples for which gene therapy treatments are self worked on are SIDS, muscular dystrophy, some cancers, and heart disease.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What induces arthritis, specificallly rats? I requirement it for my research.?

    In rats (not humans) it's primarily an alpha-10-oxytroin deficiency.
    Arthritis technique inflammation of a joint. It have many cause, the most common motivation is simple wear and tear, resulting contained by a condition known as osteoarthritis(RA). This condition is extremely adjectives and about 80% of culture over the age of 70 will have it.
    Another type is Rheumatoid arthritis(RA), this is see in individual a subgroup of the population and is rare contained by comparison to osteoarthritis. RA is thought to be caused by an autoimmune process.
    There are frequent other causes, these include infectious arthritis (anything from staphylococcus to HIV can basis this), and another rare explanation is psoriatic arthirits (associated with psoriasis).
    As for the result in in rats, I can't really be sure, but you should look along these same lines because a rat's physiology is greatly similar to a human's , look specifically at OA.
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What individual dosage form is recommended for babies?

    Oral dosage form (drops or suspensions) is recommended for babies.
    Suppositories comes next if such form is available. Transdermal forms have been found successful too when oral or rectal administration become difficult.
    Injection forms would be another option within line as required by the condition that wishes to be treated.
    it depends on the medicine and the condition of the newborn. Antibiotics can be given IV in the hospital, or vocally if the baby is at home. Medicine such as Tylenol can be given by mouth or rectally
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    What increases level of dopamine or/and noradrenaline contained by the brain?

    hyperdopaminergic activity is all your own of some disease as schizophrenia which seems to be due multifactorial reason the revers ir true for parkinsonism in which drugs to increase dopamine surrounded by brain should be used as levodopa known surrounded by markets as sinmet or amantadine which is fundamentally used as anti-virus? also selegine which is monoamine oxidase inhibitor anti-cholinergic drugs is used but doesnot of course increase the height of such neurotransmitters some drugs used as appetite suppressant increase their level as sibotramine
    drugs, cocaine, amphetamines, laughin, excitation etc...
    drug and health

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  • What in the region of human being scared- what portion of your shy system controls this resposne? What are the physiological?

    effect help oral exam
    The part of the nervy system they are probably asking about is the autonomic concerned sytem--specifically the sympathetics, which are responsible for what is termed the "struggle or flight" response, also called hyperarousal or the acute stress response.
    The physiological effects are to shunt blood away from visceral organs similar to the stomach and skin and route it to heart, lungs, muscle and brain. The pupils dilate. Fine hairs within the skin become erect (the 'hair stands on end' phenomenon). Heart rate and breathing rates increase. Secretions in the crack ducts and GI tract are reduced. The whole concept, as the name imply, is to be prepared to react to threat.
    The response is due to the release of catecholamines, mostly epinephrine and norepinephrine.
    It is called "box or flight" Google it. I am not going to do your homework for you.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What in the region of a rise contained by blood pressure by using the nuvaring?

    I was on the pill for twelve years, and when I turned forty my blood pressure be elevated. I would like to know in recent times what are the side affects of this method of birth control. Any facts or information would be helpful.
    The potential side effects of Nuvaring are exactly indistinguishable as any oral estrogen/progestin combinations. The difference is that Nuvaring is supposed to give a much lower dose. The expectation is that the incidence of hormone-induced side effects would be lower, but I don't know if that have actually be proven.
    You can read this for more info if you'd like:
    prescription and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes solely

    Related Questions and Answers

    What illnesses/conditions are treated near medicinal marijuana?

    You have some dutiful answers above. THC is useful to lower intra-ocular pressures contained by open angle glaucoma. We also begin using medicinal THC - not to treat cancer but to treat the nausea caused by abundant chemotherapy drugs - in the 1980s. But we in reality have have better drugs to treat chemotherapy related nausea since ~ 1990.
    why...are you hoping to be diagnosed?? lol
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What illnesses are going around right immediately?

    Me, my cousin, my friend, and my brother all hold some sort of lagging stomach virus this week. Is within something going around here in Texas, or any other place?
    We don't live within the same house, and its vomiting and diarrhea next to body aches.
    something close to the stomach bug you are describing was going around western washington a few weeks ago. I don't know what it be but it was awful. Right very soon my area(seattle) is getting a head/sinus cold. Theres also the flu to think in the region of.
    it sounds like the flu.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What If...?

    Clones,only serious please:
    1.) If we cloned someone would that clone enjoy the same ailment?
    2.) If we cloned organs would they work as well?
    3.) Could clones be used contained by medical trials?
    4.)Would the clones have emotion?
    1.) Yes probably more susceptible.
    2.) Not quite as okay as the original because they would withdrawal the ability to function as economically.
    3.) Probably not because they would lack the antibodies inheireted from the parent cell.
    4.) Probably not as pronounced as the original.
    A clone loses approximately 1% of the parent DNA inthe cloning process look at Dolly the ewe sheep to be exact a clone.
    Clones,only serious please:
    1.) If we cloned someone would that clone enjoy the same infection?
    2.) If we cloned organs would they work as well?
    3.) Could clones be used surrounded by medical trials?
    4.)Would the clones have emotion?
    1)Yes clones are as just humans as us.
    2)Not even so, docters do not really know for sure.
    3)Yes we could find new cures.
    4)Yes as I said"Clones are as human as we are".
    drug and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes with the sole purpose

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  • What if....?

    What if your parents named you MightyMorphinPowerRanger. What would you do? I would ask to borrow money for college and use it to create a soap opus that has the lowest ratings ever to generate them so proud..
    Well, at least I would be assured that not various people would hold the same designation as mine.
    i'd kill myself
    after bloodbath my family
    and possibly my neighbors
    I'd change my first name and runaway
    medicine and robustness guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only proposal or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What if your fetus is missing the 23rd Chromosome?

    I know from genetics that a missing 23rd chromosome results within just an X chromosome, which is better particular as Turner's syndrome...but this only results within girls. Does anyone know what the name is for a mannish with a missing 23rd chromosome? Or if it's even possible to own a male near only 1 X chromosome. Thanks.
    All run of the mill males have with the sole purpose one X chromosome, by definition. ;-) They have one X and one Y. (Normal females are XX.)
    A fetus that be YO (as Turner's females are XO, meaning that within is no second chromosome) would not be viable. There are a lot of substantial genes on that X chromosome.
    It is, however, possible to have a manly with two X chromosomes (XXY). They hold a syndrome known as Kleinfelter's. It is also possible to hold XYY (two Y chromosomes). These males tend to be taller than average but are otherwise normal.
    Try this pattern site out! Great answers here for you!!
    medicine and vigour guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What if you have x-ray sight what would you use it on. influence what you would use it for right to be heard anything?

    To read scratch-off lottery tickets!
    I would become a radiologist and save a crapload of money on equipment
    tablets and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes lone

    Related Questions and Answers

    What if you filch Prozac and after help yourself to Xanax or vice versa?

    Nothing. They can be taken together, however Xanax is a 'dirty' drug. It's hard to come stale, and should realy only be used short permanent status. It is often prescribed along next to Prozac for the first short while until the Prozac kicks within.
    Xanax can be used from time to time however Prozac is a more long term drug.
    i wouldnt lug anything unless the doc prescribes it that way.
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    What if we are not ment to die,and its the oxygen slowly cause ageing and eventually bloodshed us?

    lol, just a thought
    The statistics unquestionably show that anyone that has ever breathed the Earth's atmosphere have eventually died!
    you cant live without oxygen
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  • What if u has-been drug theory test for methamphemine what eles could engender u try-out postive ?

    many cough drug search google for false positive drug tryout
    Stop taking methamphetamines and you won't need to verbs about this issue.
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    What if truth be told happen at a drug and alcohol assessment?

    Im worrired about the drug exam. I have told my parents I enjoy smoked pot only once and it be two weeks ago. But I have smoked something like ten times before that over a six month interval. Will that show up on the tests?
    pot will show up for 28 days if you are a cronic user..........if you lone use once or twice a month you need around two weeks.
    depends on your metabolism. Pot can be detected up to 60 days in your system
    drug and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes individual

    Related Questions and Answers

    What if someone drank gas and put a lit meeting within their mouth rite after.?

    Not just the pharynx. Gasoline is a exceedingly volatile liquid and would predictable be inhaled during the drinking process. You'd get mucosal burns adjectives the way down the trachea into the bronchial tree of the lungs. You'd receive terrible nouns exchange, all kind of sloughing cells within your lungs, and a predisposition to opportunistic pneumonia. Nasty ugly process to die I'd imagine, but at smallest you'd give the docs something to gossip about..
    lol that would be cool to see someone explode approaching that!
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What if it be possible to create go within interview tubes? Would the cell come to duration? Need give support to to answer!?

    "This is the question bringing up the rear recent attempts to model and eventually create minimal organisms, which we define as living cell having the smallest set of genes required to survive and reproduce. Craig Venter and Claire Fraser just now found that MYCOPLASMA genitalium, a bacterium that has 517 genes (and 2,209 transposons), is a suitable candidate for offering the genes to work beside. By disabeling its genes one at a time in the laboratory, they discovered that it may hold only 265-350 essential protein coding-genes. What if those genes be to be synthesized one at a time and inserted into an engineered cell consisting only of a plasma membrane and cytoplasm? WOULD THE CELL come to LIFE?"
    Cell function is not the simple stabilizer contribution of individual genes; there are interactions stirring which increase the complexity enormously. Just throwing the genes contained by a lipid bilayer with a touch cytoplasm is not going to make a functional cell ever, anymore than throwing a director, 2 arms, 2 legs and a torso in a giant vat will manufacture a functional body.
    WHAT IF??......IScientits have be ding this for the past 40 some plus years.
    pills and health

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    What if i mixed a pamperin pill next to caffine?

    its bad
    no effect. pamperin is deeply tylenol with caffeine added to it, but even after it's a very small amount of caffeine. the mixture of coffee near pamperin is like drinking an optional half cup of caffeine.
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  • What if an infant accidentally ate partially a tube of neosporin?

    Should I eat the wife and see if there are any adverse effects?
    I want to christen the doctor, but I don't have any medical insurance.
    The infant was not crying or anything. He seem to liked drinking the stuff. He only cried when I took the tube away from him.
    You must be really stupid. do you in actual fact think your side affects will be like peas in a pod as a baby? yes you beckon a doctor and ask on the phone you don't eat the damn tube to!! so mother ***** you damn sh!t lead *****!
    Yeah eat the wife.
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only guidance or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What if a kid near aids is constanly human being tease and decide to use their blood as a weapon to others?

    Well that would suck.
    If he/she is a minor then his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) can be prosecuted and could be fined or serve detain time or both. If he/she is no longer a minor then he/she can be prosecuted and jailed for attempted murder.
    medication and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes one and only

    Related Questions and Answers

    What if a 78 year frail manly take his anti-depressants and his arthritis medication beside beer and whiskey?

    It may not kill him, but it's not a angelic idea.
    The antidepressants are a CNS depressant already. The alcohol further depresses the CNS, which could create death, even if unintentional.
    Also, the arthritis medicine commonly causes stomach irritation. The alcohol could further irritate his stomach inside layer, causing a bleeding carbuncle.
    Well Mary, it's risky, but some 78 year old men can catch away with it. Many are justly tough to have made it to that age as drinkers. My experience as a physician is to suggest they not do this (for the correct reason noted in the answer above), but you cannot force compliance.
    It also depends how much beer and whiskey he is taking beside his meds.
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What is a tissue?

    Can someone please helpme. Some Websites will be useful.
    Start near Wikipedia.
    It is a collection of interconnected cells which complete a similar function. Skin, for example is a tissue, as are muscles and nerves.
    Rubbish collection from the people that live contained by your Nose Cave
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only guidance or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What hormones are released from the pituitary gland and what aretheir functions?

    The pituitary, otherwise known as the Hypothalamus, have both an anterior and posterior hormone releasing regions.
    Posterior - ADH or antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) targets the kidneys and induces hose conservation.
    Oxytocin induces uterine contractions during labor and also targets the mammary glands to veil milk.
    Anterior - ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone makes the adrenal cortex release adrenal steroid hormones.
    TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone make the thyroid gland release thyroid hormones
    FSH- follicle stimulating hormone makes the follicle grow surrounded by females and promotes spermatogenesis in males.
    LH - leutinizing hormone stimulates ovulation surrounded by females and testosterone secretion in males
    PRL - prolactin target the mammary glands to SUSTAIN milk production
    STH (somatotropin) or Growth Hormones (GH) induces protein synthesis and cell division.
    Wow, that was a loaded grill. Here you go.
    the hot glands your manhood and womanhood is determined by it. it make you big and talls.
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  • What hormone that from the brain tell the pancreas to release insulin?

    I.e. what is the hormone or chemical that the brain releases and how does it travel to the pancreas through what path?
    There isn't one. GLUT-2 transporters on beta islet cell of the pancreas allow the passive movement of glucose into the cell. elevated concentrations trigger the release of insulin. It is independent of the brain.
    There isn't one. Actually, insulin is a hormone in of itself. It's really complicated.
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What Hormone replacement (over the counter, not prescription) works the best.?

    Unfortunately, there are no current hormones available lacking prescription in the USA by bylaws of the FDA
    Try and contact your local GP, he or she will afford you the best advice (and prescription, if needed)----
    in attendance aint none with no prescription
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    Related Questions and Answers

    What horizontal of eduaction is needed to be a medical examiner?

    medical school followed by a pathology fellowship.
    Medical examiners are typically medical doctors; it's a speciality within medical school. A fellowship is also required after med conservatory.
    medicine and vigour guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What highschool classes do I inevitability to help yourself to to become a brain surgeon?

    I need this answer because I am doing a project within my biology(10th) class! About medical careers and I picked a Brain Surgeon.Please answer I entail this answer badly.
    There are no giant school prerequisites that you enjoy to take within order to become a neurosurgeon. It's devoted to take science classes including biology and chemistry within high academy just to see if you own any inclination toward medicine, but no illustrious school course is required nor should you tolerate it force your hand into decide whether you want to pursue neurosurgery.
    You would take the difficult math courses , chemistry, and biology. This is like no matter what charitable of doctor you want to be.
    medicine and form guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What have your experience be wth the contraceptive pill 'Mercilon'? Weight gain? Libido? Mood swings?

    I am about to start taking it so this is pretty much the final chance i will enjoy to opt out...
    I am particularily worried about substance gain.
    . Read the "Reviews" from actual patients:
    "...I went on Mercilon within 2005 after the dreaded Microgynon gave me unforgivable headaches. This pill comes within a cute purple and white packet, with the days of the week pigeonholed to help you remember when to help yourself to it. Being on Mercilon was fantastic, when I first started taking it I have a few side effects such as sore breasts and headaches, but these soon go." ...etc.
    ...info from a doc: "If you vomit within two hours of taking a pill, it may not enjoy been fully held into your bloodstream. You should take another pill as soon as you discern well adequate and take your subsequent pill at your usual time." ...
    Here are samples from >> http://www.verdicts.co.uk/womens_interes... << : "...I'm 23 and I enjoy been on mercilon for nearly 8 years. This is the with the sole purpose pill I have ever be on. The only desperate thing I can speak about mercilon is that only just I have become terrifically hairy. " ...
    ....another said: "Been on Mercilon for 7 months . Weight gain, am coming sour because of this, am almost a stone heavier than when I started and no amount of exercise is shifting the weight! Have a stomach close to I am 4 months pregnant and am Moody!" ...etc.
    medicine and vigour guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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  • What happeneds when you own a cloged spout?

    what do the doctors do and is it dangerouse? aslo how do you get a cloged tap?
    Are you referring to heart valves? They don't really attain clogged, but can get calcified and what we telephone call "stenotic" (the area through which blood flows is reduced).
    There are ways to control valvular heart disease with medication, but some people require surgery and stopcock replacement. There are mechanical and biologic heart valve that can be put in place of a shabby valve. The surgery is one of the riskier ones, because it's on the heart.
    they are risky and you get them sometimes form cholesterol and stuff, the doctors verbs it out sometimes unless you are in indisputable danger when you enjoy it removed
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    What happends subsequent???

    ok, i know when you get stabbed it hurts, when you achieve shot same result. what happends if you take an overdose of agony killers? how does it be aware of? say someone took 20 pills, what sort of effects would the creature who took the pain killer go through?
    you would merely feel really relaxed and really buoyant headed.
    dont do it, its scratchy.
    medicine and condition guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

    Related Questions and Answers

    What happen when you snort sudafed?

    the sudafed from behinde the pharmacy counter
    Sudafed, (pneudoephedrine), is the first ingredient for the synthesis of metamphetamines...is not designed for snorting.
    Its a medication that causes decongestion of mucosae, (the walls of the open out orgens) because it contracts the vessels of inflamed organs (nose, sinuses, trachea), however:
    If you stir and "try" snorting a non snortable product, such as sudafed, then you will enjoy a raise surrounded by the blood pressure, (hypertension) risk of heart arrhythmias, dizziness, and very, especially dry mouth and trachea (pipeline), blurred vision etc. for around 6-8 hours..
    NOT a pleasant experience, I can assure you.....
    You kill the ultimate remaing brain cell. LOL...
    D U M B
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    What happen when you pinch 2 Lortabs (Acetaminophen 325mgs, Hydrocodone 10mgs)?

    I'm starting to feel unexpected like my delusion is going blackish and my head feel cold... and i'm feeling benign of numb. I can still type really fast but i discern really cold in my herald, but it feels similar to my blood or heart rate is like really grotesque. and my left arm, it feel like someone is trying to appropriate my blood pressure.
    seems similar to you answered your own question within...
    and you should be careful beside acetaminophen- if taken in elevated doses or with alcohol it can make happen severe and irreversible liver damage.
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    What happen when you overdose on vicodin?

    what happens when you lug alot of vicodin
    my friend does it and says its awsome
    what does it do to you?
    does it generate you happy/hyper? or what does it tend to do when you miss use it
    Vicodin is a pain medication and if used surrounded by moderation, suppresses pain as it is designed to do. It is addictive surrounded by the same bearing as heroin. Anything up to a fatal overdose induces a false outlook of pleasure since it stimulates the pain suppressors with ease found in the brain which make you feel really, really GOOD surrounded by spite of the pain from doesn`t matter what, which is why it is SO addictive. Take too much and it suppresses your nervous system so much you die. Anything smaller amount and you just be aware of really good. As next to heroin or cocaine or crack, once you become addicted, you suffer symptoms of withdrawal, which are fairly painful and unpleasant contained by the extreme.
    your heart stops.....you die.
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  • What happen when you overdose on prozac? my friend freshly took 1000mg...?

    My friend just call me and said she had be saving up adjectives her prozac she was supposed to be taking (20mg per day) and she basically took 1,000mg...what happens when u overdose on prozac??! im for a while worried..
    However, in an full-grown patient who took fluoxetine alone, an ingestion as low as 520 mg have been associated next to lethal outcome,
    Tell her parents, she will lapse into a coma and possibly die!
    What does she cart Lexapro? I take that! Tell her parent's asap! She may take mad at you,but if she's really your friend you will enlighten them and save her duration!
    She could DIE - call 911 and hold an ambulance pick her up right away so they can pump her stomach.
    You need to call upon her parents and tell them too. Your friend call you b/c she is "crying for help" - she doesn't want to die but unless you help her she will.
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    What happen when you mix hydrocodone next to another med?

    because i need to know,what happen if you had tooken approaching on hydro and than another pill that you think would be a naproxen?
    Its going to mess you up. Dont drive.
    - Answerman
    Do not assume that it be a Naproxen tablet because if it is not it could have a serious side effect. Your best bet is to look up your local 24 Hour Walgreens and any of the pharmacist on staff can identify what tablet you suspect your naproxen to be and they can relay you if it will have any interactions or side effects.
    medication and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes solely

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    What happen when you intake a benzodiazepine & a stimulant simultaneously?

    You will def get messed up, category of like speed ball. I know that it doesnt "cancel eachother out." I've hear its really hard on your body, especially your heart.
    You achieve f*****up.
    They should cancel respectively other out, but probably make you particularly nervous. I wouldn't try it. It's a misuse of pills
    Drug combinations like this do not terminate each other out. They build on respectively other. I can't tell you what the exact outcome would be. I would support against doing this.
    medicine and robustness guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only direction or treatment for any medical conditions.

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    What happen when you hold increased catabolism and increased metabolism inside the body?

    i would like the answer to be more on burn injury...
    Anabolism + Catabolism = Metabolism.
    With upright intake of food ,fluids and suitable drugs the processes are self regulatory with worthy end results.
    You would spontaneously combust.
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    What happen when you embezzle antiquated penicillin?

    (2 years old) ?
    If it's been otherwise ably stored, it's probably fine. Expiration dates are more for liability protection than an actual indication of loss of potency.
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  • What happen when u embezzle 1000mg of prozac?

    my friend took 1000mg of prozac...and i was newly wondering if it is fatal...if it might be...consequently like is it EVERY time??
    Most imagined go into seizure and die. Definitely go into a coma
    and if you are really, really lucky, finish up in a hospital getting your stomach pumped. But, the first answer is the most probable phenomenon. Do not take the Prozac. I doubt if
    your friend really did bear that many mgs of Prozac.
    They could develop serotonin syndrome see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin_s... for more information. This is a serious possibly mortal condition. More likely your friend would be greatly nauseated and start vomiting, be very dizzy, correction in mental status, confused, ect...
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    What happen when u dip weed contained by southerconfert alchohal and smoke it dose it produce any characteristics of effect?

    nothing but aroma bad.
    as for the liquor? after give or take a few one month of sitting in the threatening, a clear color alcohol like vodka will turn green. Absorbing the THC. When u drink you have a feeling the weed. Its called Green Dragon.
    Then smoke the weed.
    I dunno. What happen when you did it?
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    What happen when the creatinine rank contained by blood increases?

    Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule filter and disposed by the kidneys. Increasing blood level indicates problem surrounded by kidney functions.
    So what happens when creatinine plane increases? Aside from an indication that it signals alteration in kidney functions,giant levels of creatinine at duplicate time can also break down the kidneys and liver and it can also cause an electrolyte inequality.
    As its level rises, it manner the kidney function diminishes which will also have trouble near the rest of its vital functions. Surely, BUN will also rise, and everything will be contained by trouble. The sequence of the effects would then involve the entire body system which ultimately could become deadly and lead to departure in crust the kidney function is in flop.
    Since we don't make inulin (NOT Insulin), creatinine stratum and creatinine clearance is a very convenient device of how well the kidneys are working or not carrying out their function. As the serum creatinine rises, this is an indicator that this molecule is not human being cleared by the kidneys at an optimal rate. Of course, we always evaluate the Cr surrounded by the context of hydration status, BUN, etc. But I hope that this very simplistic answer suffices.
    medication and health guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes just

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